Jeff and I LOVE humanitarian service 💖, and hope to someday devote our life full-time to it. For the foreseeable future, Jeff will be very busy with his business consulting/CPA work. We’ve come up with an interim plan that will maximize our opportunities for career, travel, AND service. Since he is used to working from home most of the time, we’ve realized that “home” can be anywhere within 4 time zones and a 4-5 hr flight of CA, so he can still work and communicate with his clients there. That means anywhere Hawaii to the East Coast, and Canada down to Central America.
So…we’ve decided to embark on our mobile life/service adventure, moving from place to place 2-12 months in each location, for the next several years, until we’re ready to settle down again. We will embed ourselves and try to be useful in each community and congregation, then move on to the next place…kinda like Mister and Mary Poppins ☂️. We’ve started this website blog to share our journeys.
We’ve sold our Orem, UT home, sold most of our belongings, moved the rest into a storage unit, and will live in furnished short-term rentals. Our first stop is Boulder, CO beginning mid June, where we’ll help with a couple of big projects at an addiction recovery program there (Choice House). Other places on the shortlist are British Columbia and Hawaii. We are open to recommendations!
We’ll be back to visit regularly, as our grandchildren and most of our kids are in Utah. We hope to maintain and strengthen all of our friendships and family connections—near and far—during this time, as well as make some new friends and be of service in whatever ways we can.
We are forever thankful for the many wonderful neighbors we’ve been blessed to rub shoulders with (pre-Corona 😷) in Utah. Love you, one and all❣️